HEALTHCARE DIGITAL MARKETING 4TH QUARTER STRATEGY AND TACTICS : Healthcare, Digital Marketing and Market Access Strategy - John G. Baresky
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by John G. Baresky on 10/05/19

How can you up your digital marketing KPI game plan to put your organization's sales over the goal line?

For many healthcare, medical device and pharmaceutical product manufacturers and service providers, the 4th quarter is underway and the end of the fiscal year is approaching. Every minute and every dollar count more than ever. 

It is time for brand, product and digital marketing teams to quickly drill down, get their bearings and make critical decisions. Individually and collectively, these primary marketing stakeholders need to ask business critical questions:

  • Are we on task to achieve our goals?
  • What is necessary to exceed our goals?
  • We are barely making our goals, what are the best options to step up to acceptable levels?
  • We are behind on our goals, what can be done to at least narrow the gap?
  • If a measure is beyond saving, can it be ended quickly in time to avoid waste and perhaps reallocate resources?
  • Based on present activity, how well positioned are we for 1st quarter 2020 and beyond?

These questions are not easy to answer and depending on how positive or negative revenue, sales and margin performance is, they may seem to be overwhelming.

For healthcare digital marketing initiatives, there are primary considerations to assess and opportunities to act on:

  • Can PPC be tweaked to spark a boost in performance?
  • Are email marketing measures satisfying KPI benchmarks?
  • If not, is targeting, messaging, offering or other element(s) fixable? 
  • What is / is not working with website assets including UX, content, SEO and other attributes; even if fixes will not result in immediate returns, can they lift 1st quarter 2020 performance?
  • Is content sharing optimized, average or languishing; what is being done to take advantage of unrecognized or under-utilized dark social opportunities?
  • Due to 4th quarter budget limitations, what assets can be fully re-deployed and / or repurposed?
  • What social media channels or other venues can be further exercised for additional lead generation purposes?
  • Are marketing / sales collaborations synchronized, including Salesforce or other CRM platform resources, to be all they can be?
  • What are the 3 most potent digital tools that Sales relies on and how can one or all three be sharpened?
  • Can time, financial, technical resources be shifted so high producing options can outperform KPI expectations?
  • What time, financial, technical resources could be shifted to salvage underperforming options?
  • Can entirely new measures be deployed in time to make a difference in 2019?
  • Are there opportunities to start 2020 digital marketing initiatives early so momentum is already underway prior to the New Year?
Under positive or negative pressure, the most novel and successful strategic and tactical approaches can be developed. The pivotal consideration for digital marketing leaders and other commercial stakeholders is taking action based on the answers to the questions above. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


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